Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Day After Halloween

I spent Halloween in Barcelona this year, which was of course not my reason for going but it wound up being a very nice benefit. Here I am pictured with benefit numero uno (y dos, tres...) on said holiday. Also pictured is the whip that I couldn't make work for me. It's hanging decoratively from my gold belt. I had already failed it and my servant boy by that point. The whip and rest of our costumes came directly from Egypt (see Jumping Over Egypt), which made me begin to believe my own costume and want to wear it all the time.

The whole night, from the extra spicey celebratory food to the entertainment provided by costumes, brought back Halloween's merit after years of blowing off the occasion with some extra candy and my normal black attire.

The holiday surprise came the day after Halloween though. Around noon, this scene began to unfold on the Olympic mountain, Montjuic, as moto by moto, these characters showed up half-costumed from the night before and ready to shoot a short IESE film. Amazingly, Noelle was able to direct it as her eyes probably stung from the fumes of alcohol wafting off her cast.

More Photos Here


Catalonic said...

Being your servant does not need to be a once in a year occasion, nor does wearing that robe for that matter.
So much easier to breathe in those tings. Free and easy Lynds. Free and easy.

Anonymous said...

god lynds, what a life!