Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I began my countdown of the remainder of the semester about 5 weeks ago with the purchase of a 12-pack of Trader Joe's sponges. At the time, I conveniently noted to myself that if I changed the sponge every Friday, I could wash my way to the end of nursing school.

There are now 7 sponges left. I wore my purple scrubs for the last time EVER on Saturday. Want to give a person a great reason to enjoy taking off their clothes? Make them wear purple polyester scrubs for a year and see what happens. Celebrating the scrub shedding coincided with Kirsten's departure for flight attendant training in Orlando, Florida. Emily baked the incredible cheese-filled pumpkins shown above at bon voyage dinner so heavy that it threatened to keep her on the ground. I'm happy to report that Kirsten did make it there yesterday and she loves it so far. She informed me last night that the best part is her free hotel room, where she can spread out her toiletries ad lib.

It's pretty sad when an airport hotel room is more spacious than home, but I'm in the same boat. My place barely fits the two twin beds, let alone the two doubles in Kirsten's hotel room. And for that reason alone, I'm hoping the last seven sponges will disappear quickly, leaving me with bigger beds and better scrubs.

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