Thursday, October 05, 2006

Sixes and Sevens

Today I rode the subway a lot. I usually like to maintain a question mark over my downtown reclusivity, and it had been awhile since I had left. I decided to get a job. Classes are pretty slow and I haven't been constructive enough with my free time to justify keeping all of it. I applied to four ads on the career website, and heard back from three. So I went to interview on the upper west side at a little pharmacy. I love pharmacies. The world has an order and a purpose inside the pharmacy. Then I left this orderly world and didn't realize I had left my i.d. with the pharmacist until I got home and needed it to get inside my dorm. What kind of order and purpose is there in that? On my way back uptown to retrieve it, two different egg-shaped women of probable midgit status fell over on me, one face first into my chest. Of course, that had to be the one that turned out to be angry at me instead of apologetic. Sometimes there is no way to hold yourself up and catch a humpty dumpty on the train.


Anonymous said...

yeah, it's been a weird couple of days in public trans. i almost got smacked yesterday on an overcrowded (and stagnant) 6 train for "shaking my hair" at this girl. whoa. a beating is definitely coming to me any day now...

Catalonic said...

Please put your flickr page back up. I would hate to be the jackass responsible for depriving everyone of your wonderful photos.
Better said, I would hate to continue to be the jackass, as I have already cemented my position in the former role.

Anonymous said...

as an egg-shaped woman, i'm offended by your blog.