Sunday, October 01, 2006


Does anyone else think of the beginning of the year as September instead of January? I always have. I used to attribute it to the school year starting in September, because when you're 8 or 13, the measurement of time or recalling the past seems to be by grade level. I mean, when I think of events like reading my first Salinger story, dying my hair dark, sneaking out of the house at night, singing a jazz choir solo...yeah I was a little was always in terms of 5th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade. Now I'm pretty sure I have reconfigured the calendar in my head because my birthday is at the end of August, which means I am just completely egocentric.

In any case, September is over, and for me that means that things are starting to move along from my imagined beginning point of an arbitrary parsing of time into years. Classes are all relaxed this term. Emily and I were reminiscing about classes at this time a year ago. Between our crazy Chinese professor of Fundamentals of Nursing, listing all the many ways we could fail, and our dominatrix Pathophysiology professor, belittling a student in front of the class for forgetting her pencil at an exam, we were quite scared. But they scared us for nothing. That was the worst of it. Now our main concern in school seems to be negotiating a better graduation party at the end of the term. And that's important. Fun is important. In fact, I think that will be my September New Year's resolution.

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