Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Coming Home to Roost

I'm snuggled up in bed watching a wonderful thing on television. Dick Armey has a gloomy look on his face. First of all, what a name for a big-faced, white-haired republican man. But more importantly, Dick Armey– sorry, I just can't stop saying his ironic name- just admitted, with a wobegone tone in his voice, that Bush is wrong about politics all being local. This election is about the war in Iraq, and that's why he's is so despondent tonight. It's not over yet, but I'm savoring the dead heat and the likely future democratic congress.

P.S. Although Dick Armey was born in North Dakota, about 30 miles from my Dad's farm, we have never drank the same water. Our farm has a well.


Catalonic said...

Elections are my favorite sport, and a sporting analogy is quite easy to make. You have the Yankees (Republicans) who spend all the money in the world buying players (voters), and yet still manage to fuck it up
through bad chemistry (corruption), and having one of the most incompotent and arrogant leaders in George Steinbrenner (George Bush).
And like the Yankees in this years playoffs, the Republicans just got their asses handed to them.
I love it. Buck Fush and all his pederast, money grubbing, bible thumping, %&#@ sucking cronies.

Lyndsey Medora said...

Now if we can just get Bush off his seat and replace him with Obama maybe the war can end, stem cell research can forge ahead, medicare can become functional, and Karl Rove can shrivel up and hide in a mole hole.

NoellieBellie said...

Hmmm. Why don't you guys tell us how you REALLY feel about it? ;)