Thursday, September 14, 2006

Almost Back

I'm coming around to the old routine, if but a little slow, and that is absolutely fine. I say it is fine because one week I was sitting in a pontoon on a sunny Saturday in North Dakota, laughing at my friend in her wedding dress and reflective sunglassess, and the following Saturday I stood on the 14th floor of a hospital in Manhattan, next to the bed of a man so jaundiced that the sweat on his forehead looked like Mountain Dew. Last Monday I woke up in my big old bed on my Dad's farm, and the very next day in a twin bed overlooking Joey Ramone Lane. Jolting contrasts.

Today the reality of the next 13 weeks is starting to set in. David left yesterday, which is a sad way to refocus, and from this morning on I will be waking up in the cramped twin bed alone; not with him somewhere in the middle of the Adirondacks, or on a peaceful farm with my family, or with the Ponderosa Pines of Central Oregon, or in a fluffy white bed in NE Portland. This is it for a while (but only a little while).

Writing this blog is harder when there are more interesting events than the gross things I'm studying, which is a shame because I've had an eventful month and I would have liked to share it along the way. I guess the best I can do now is to go back and revisit it all.


Anonymous said...

You need to see MaryJane.

Lyndsey Medora said...

Chuck, you've introduced me to her before and you know I become a Beverly Latherop.

Anonymous said...

u do not become a beverly, one just naturally is, and you jon, are the furthest thing from one named beverly i cannot even tell you. beverly's are 1234's.