Saturday, January 21, 2006

Thames Whale Dies and a Russian Elephant Gets Drunk

I thought that enduring the onslaught of local news was difficult: robbery, rape, drunk driving, murder, child abuse. I quit watching the local news, and television for that matter, long ago (except in hotels and other unusual but compulsory locations) and I had nearly forgotten the singular discomfort of a heart-wrenching but ever-so-disturbing piece of news.

And then came this week. Around the globe, giant animals made the news for their suffering. Human suffering has become so common, so expected, in the news. But big innocent animals. They should be as far away from a dramatic news story as possible. They should be happy and content and fat. Not beaching themselves in London and then becoming too weak to survive their own rescue mission. Not ingesting large quantities of vodka to make it through the bitterly cold Russian winter, and then subsequently destroying the central-heating system in a drunken elephant rampage.

That poor whale.

That poor elephant.

I thought they had it all figured out.

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