Thursday, August 03, 2006

Well, it's 9:30 a.m. and already 89 degrees outside. I have no plans to experience anything hot or noisy until my hangover subsides. In any case, Emily and I are making macaroni and cheese for breakfast, and who would want to miss that?

As of yesterday, Summer school is over. And what a day it was. Here we are just 24 hours ago, ready to finish.

Because I missed the first midterm of geriatrics while in London, I had to take both a final exam and a midterm yesterday. Yess! The O'Connotron (that's the robotic nickname we gave our robotic professor) had four case studies waiting for me when I turned in the final. Yesss! The exams were held in one of the largest classrooms at NYU; very "airy," according to O'Connotron. The final wasn't bad: fill in some bubbles, list a few nursing interventions, do a couple drug calculations. I was more or less ready for round two. About half-way through with my midterm though, I looked up and there was no one left in the room except me (sitting in one of only 300 or so seats) and her (standing at the podium on the stage staring at me). Yesssss! I'm not so familiar with test anxiety, but maybe I had it because I don't remember much of the second half.

I did my best to forget about it quickly, but nursing students (including me) seem to enjoy bringing up disgusting topics over margaritas and buffalo wings.

So we moved on for less nursing talk. Emily and Claire did a great job: click on the word "nipple" to see the video of them planning for the golden nipple suit party.


Anonymous said...

nice loungey pic on the street!

youre long gone by now...sorry i didnt get in touch on monday. didnt get back to the city until late, and had exam/paper due in the morning.

have fun over there!

Lyndsey Medora said...

thanks rad.