Friday, June 16, 2006

Catching Up

A promising Summer term is quickly becoming a disappointment. I had hoped to be able to enjoy a lighter course load. Instead of 4-6 classes, we only have 2: pediatrics and eldercare. Silly me; I thought with less work I could find more time to focus. Unfortunately, it's had more of a soporific effect than an enlivening one. I'm not the only one who has suffered from the agonizing effects of part-time Summer school. Our professors seem to be sleep-walking through recycled power points, and there has been a noticable increase in the number of class nappers. Emily has even taken to wearing her sleeping bag.

Clinicals are the only worthwhile experiences, but even in the hospital I can't shake the feeling that I'm half asleep in school. To compensate, I've started working a second illegitimate job, painting on t-shirts, watching rerun world cup games and old seasons of HBO series, canning beans, and going climbing more often. Clearly the Summer is not wholly unproductive, but as my dear friend Claire alliterates: Summer school sucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm going to start wearing my sleeping bag to peds clinical and tell the kids i'm a glo-worm.